Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can...And We Did!!!

Let's just say that America can only be going in a direction of greatness. At 11:02 pm on November 4, 2008 NBC news was the first to announced that Barack Obama would become the 44th president of The United States Of America and not only would he be the president but he would be the First African-American President. I have to say this has to bring a tear to each and every person of color eyes, because this is something we thought we would never see in our lifetime. But Like Dr. King said he had a dream and i believe somewhere in that dream he saw Obama as the president. I'm not saying that Obama will fix every problem that we have but i can say like millions of others that i believe he will work the hardest at moving us forward and putting us back on the right track to being where it is that the Red White And Blue should be. This is America Dammit and that means everything to me to be American and means even more to me to see the RIGHT MAN lead us in that direction. 

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