Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Round Up!!!

With my cuzin/bruva's Birthday being on Friday my weekend could only start off with a Bang. We hit up Wonderlan, Marvin's And The Space to celebrate John turning 24. The night went on with us hoping in and out of cabs and Vodka was the drink of choice. It was a night to remember. Seen a few famiiar faces and met some new ones. Shout out to Michelle and Abby of Cusp fame. Yeah i also did and said some things i shouldn't have and for that i'm sorry and you know who i'm talking about and to if you don't know don't fucking ask!!!

Saturday was alittle more relaxing with me Having brunch at matchbox then exetremly light shopping in g-town, where it took me 30 Minutes to find a FUCKING parking space, they really should do something about that. Later night met up with friends and tried the New Busboy's. The food was great but the service was the fucking worst. If you get a chance check it out before it gets to cold and you wont get to experience the indoor outdoor vibe.

Sunday is my day for rest so i just stayed in cleaned a little and i cooked dinner which was steak mashed potatos and green beans. I forgot to mention that i got up at 4:45 AM and made a drink and snack run to CVS. It was so fucking cold and i walked cause i couldnt find the car keys. And for some odd reason i bought a candle i don't know what that was about.

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